Tuesday, March 1, 2016

'Cattiva' - mobile blood bank designed by Ar.Gurjit Singh Matharoo


Came across these old pictures of 'Cattiva', the mobile blood bank, which was designed by Ar.Gurjit Singh Matharoo. It was a tremendous experience to work on this project when I did my training with Gurjit, learning to work with the fabricators to transform the drawings into such a beautiful, futuristic vehicle, to be constantly at 'site' fine tuning and tweaking the design to make it perfect. I still remember driving down from Ahmedabad to Chennai for delivering the vehicle to the client and being greeted by shocked looks from the people on the way, who had never seen anything quite like it!!!

SUJITH.G.S is an architect and writer, with a passion for travelling, experiencing cultures, studying vernacular architecture as well as contemporary currents, which form the basis for his writing and blogging. You can contact him at ar.sujithgs@gmail.com

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